Olli Olli World Review


Skateboarding Spectacle-OlliOlli World

Following the first two entries of the OlliOlli series I've kept an eye on Roll7's development of the next addition to this enjoyable set of games. Does this entry do enough to differentiate and innovate, or is it more of a small step like the jump from OlliOlli 1 to 2?

Shifting Dimensions

OlliOlli World's main innovation is a shift from straight 2d graphics to 3d models in a 2.5d style of gameplay. With this comes its own set of corresponding gameplay innovations, like quarter pipes that allow you to shift into the background. This, alongside the added wallride and spin tricks add a much needed dimension to gameplay that allows for a higher level of mastery than before. It can be a bit overwhelming when you try to put it all together, but each mechanic is introduced gradually throughout the playthrough to keep you sane. 

But these additions don't remove the already solid foundation that the first two titles set up. You'll still be grinding, hitting manuals to extend combos, and hitting a button at the right time to land perfectly. This all culminates in a gameplay loop that encourages long combo strings through a whole level to maximize score. 

On the terms of levels, Olli Olli World is by far the most expansive and imaginative that this series has ever been. With a campaign that can range from 5-10 hours based on how much you want to achieve, there's just so much great game here to enjoy. And even with it's extended length campaign I found myself much more surprised with the amount diverse environment concepts in each of the levels. Comparing this title to the prior two entries is null and void just due to how much more artistically set and expressive this game is. Environments range a wide variety of background and foreground elements, with a corresponding splash of different colors that keep the separate worlds distinct. 

There's even a semblance of a story here, as you travel along with your ragtag group of skaters to the next skating god (this is not an exaggeration, the story revolves around the prior skating god of gnarhalla going into retirement and looking for an heir). I like how it's completely skippable, but some of the little characterizations of the crew are silly to provide some passing enjoyment. Certainly a step up from the last titles which lacked any major narrative.

In another new addition, your main character is completely customizable down to specific grab tricks you can perform. Definitely a huge step up as the specific challenges you can complete in each level can earn you new customization options and push you even further. In the previous titles there wasn't much push to complete an individual levels challenges other than bragging rights so getting something substantial makes a huge difference. In a feature I thought was cute, Roll7 made it so you'll see another random player's skater during loading screens, which was a nice way to see what kind of characters people made around the world. 

I'd say my only term of criticism comes from the new wallride mechanic and it's inconsistencies. While every other mechanic is solid, I often felt like I was guessing with these wallrides on how high I hit them and if I was gonna get air dismounting them. Especially in areas where you are expected to hit multiple wallrides, I felt I had like a 1/20 chance of actually getting the result I wanted. It's a bit hard to explain, but just know when the devs start throwing these sections out consistently later on that they can be a bit hit or miss. Also, the game has a day 1 expansion pass, which seems a bit strange for a game that just released. 


While it can be rough in one area, Roll7's OlliOlli World is a full scale revamp of the last two games' more basic formula. As a step forward in almost every single way to its predecessors that were fun in their own right, OlliOlli World is a must play. 

9/10-Stylized Shredding


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