
Showing posts from February, 2022

Grapple Dog Review

A Pendulum of Platforming-A Grapple Dog Review After viewing its trailer some time ago I was immediately intrigued with Medallion Games' Grapple Dog due to its seemingly simple artstyle and mechanics. From then I followed the game on and off until it magically appeared on my steam frontpage, as many of these reviews tend to play out, and gave it a shot. So, with all that in mind, does Grapple Dog deliver on it's simple premise or does it fail to accomplish even the basics? Smooth and Simple Grapple Dog is a 2D platformer through and through, and with that it falls into place with the rest of the genre in a standardized manner. There are various collectables from gems to fruit (that if you collect enough of in a level you get more gems) to even little medallions that unlock extra levels. As for your base abilities you can jump, dive bomb, and sprint in a similar style to mario 3 in which you build up to your max speed by moving continuously for a bit. It's all illustrated in

Olli Olli World Review

  Skateboarding Spectacle-OlliOlli World Following the first two entries of the OlliOlli series I've kept an eye on Roll7's development of the next addition to this enjoyable set of games. Does this entry do enough to differentiate and innovate, or is it more of a small step like the jump from OlliOlli 1 to 2? Shifting Dimensions OlliOlli World's main innovation is a shift from straight 2d graphics to 3d models in a 2.5d style of gameplay. With this comes its own set of corresponding gameplay innovations, like quarter pipes that allow you to shift into the background. This, alongside the added wallride and spin tricks add a much needed dimension to gameplay that allows for a higher level of mastery than before. It can be a bit overwhelming when you try to put it all together, but each mechanic is introduced gradually throughout the playthrough to keep you sane.  But these additions don't remove the already solid foundation that the first two titles set up. You'll st

Dusk Review

  Spooky yet Scintillating-A Dusk Review Every so often a video will pop up in my online feed about the importance of the old doom and quake games and how they paved the way for the future of the fps genre. Such videos tend to inspire me to go and check out some of those classic titles, and, while they can be fun for a bit, they all eventually have a level or two of truly awful maze like levels with no sense of direction. It leaves a sour note on titles that have legitimately cool and inspired weapons to have these poorly created dungeon-labyrinths of level design.  What Dusk accomplishes for me is a title that encourages careful exploration and proper old school gunplay without the confusion or frustration. This is a game that has those keycards that would make you scream if this was the 90s, but in a shocking turn of events creates levels that naturally guide you through them and never lead you astray.   The main point I want to draw home here is that Dusk is the antithesis to DOOM 2

DOOM (2016) Review

  A Modern Combat Marvel-A DOOM (2016) Review I'll admit I'm a bit late to the hype train here, but I was very fascinated with the hype around id software's revival of the classic doom series considering how rough around the edges those older titles tend to be. So how exactly did they pull it off and what other improvements were made to come out with such a splash hit?  Creating Solutions The main issue that doom sought to solve within modern fps games is the player's innate playstyle to hide behind covers and play away from danger. The solution, while genius, is actually very simple! The glory kill system allows the player to perform special melee attacks on weakened enemies that causes them to drop health and grants a few moments of invincibility. Combat encounters are careful dances of weaving around projectiles but staying close enough to perform glory kills and keep the health up (you can also obtain a rune later on that allows for enemies to drop health and armor