Hot Lava Review


How Hot Lava Captures Childlike Imagination-A Hot Lava Review

Originally, I booted up Hot Lava with the explicit reason of reviewing it. However, deeply entranced by the vision of Don't Starve creators Klei Entertainment, I eventually realized that Hot Lava was far more special than its first impression. 

Classic Bhop Meets Modern Mechanics

Hot Lava is deeply reminiscent of old school Bhop and surf courses from games like GS:GO and CS 1.6. That being said, its the additions and polish that make HL stand out from their inspirations. All the staples are here, yet, by fine tuning the jumping momentum as well as smoothing over more difficult techniques like surfing, it is far more approachable for the target audience. 

Despite some of these touch ups, there is more than enough challenge here for those familiar with these classic mechanics, which caught me off guard. Continually I found myself replaying levels for optimal routes, cutting corners faster and smoother each time. Each object in each level of HL is deliberately placed to keep the speed up and interactables like bars and rope swings are a way to reestablish control while not losing momentum. 

The game features full steam workshop support as well, and has been a blast playing through all sorts of user created content. A few of which actually see full releases within the games main set of campaign levels. 

Of the games 12 main level sets, 5 were curated by Klei Entertainment to be officially put in the game

A Call Back To Childhood

What really struck a chord with me was HL's feeling of childish wonder around every corner. Honestly, playing the floor is lava as a kid probably looked like this to us in our young imaginations. The sprawling playgrounds housing limitless possibilities. Our own homes transformed into perilous caverns and volcanoes, its imaginative authenticity that sets HL apart. Even areas based on gym class back in elementary school are set with the various play sets at a scale at which you would be at as a child-looking up at "massive" rope swings and the like. 

It is so deeply nostalgic playing a game like this as a grown adult, transporting you back to far simpler times. Perhaps a bit melancholic, noticing now how the world has shrunk and no longer feels as wondrous as it once was. Intentionally or not, a full playthrough of HL saw me reflect on all those dear memories of my childhood. A sort of SpongeBob imagination box of videogames.


In terms of gameplay and atmosphere combinations, Hot Lava is perfection. As an immensely fun romp of childhood fun, HL ends up supreme to all who have tried. An outstanding accomplishment in polishing in an older formula. 

10/10-The Flow of Perfection


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