Lovely Planet 2 Review


Speedy, Simple, and Superb-A Lovely Planet 2 Review

Gonna be honest here, went into this game completely blind off of the steam interactive recommender. That being said, Lovely Planet 2 was quite the delightful little indie gem despite what I perceive as a complete lack of exposure. 

Pleasant Platforming

In Lovely Planet, the goal is simple-blast your path as fast as possible to the end of each level, defeating all the little enemy squares with your gun on your way. The mix of precision aiming and smooth movement make going through these short burst levels, and I mean short as most levels can be completed in under 15 seconds, a speedrunners dream. Because of that raw simplicity, the game encourages you to try and be more accurate with your shots and as efficient as possible in your movement. 

In terms of length, the main campaign from start to credits will take somewhere from 2-4 hours depending on skill level. However, Lovely Planet features an entire set of alternate levels based on the initial campaign with difficulty turned to the maximum. In addition, if you are feeling particularly masochistic, there is a game mode where you attempt to go through the whole game with only three lives. In my personal opinion, the main set of campaign levels is a perfect amount of content for anyone who just wants to casually enjoy their experience.

Simply Charming?

I feel Lovely Planet 2’s aesthetic is both a strength and a weakness overall. In one aspect, it never over clutters the screen and keeps the focus solely on gameplay. Not once during the entire playthrough did I wonder where an enemy was or where I was hit from. This consistency made for a campaign that never felt like it was unfair in any aspect and unexplainably smooth. 

On the other hand, the title never really does anything aesthetically complex or diverse. This left the game feeling unmemorable in a visual aspect. Even in the final worlds of the game, you’ll still be platforming through familiar grassy plains. I do appreciate the distinctly katamari-like aesthetic of the visuals though. 


Lovely Planet 2 was quite a pleasant surprise for me. The blend of speedrun encouraging gameplay and simple visuals culminate in a unique and fun time. In all, while the visuals can be a bit bland after a while, Lonely Planet 2 is certainly worth your time.

8/10-Short, Sweet, and Sound


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